To Shatter The sky


If you leave me I shall not die,

Nor make grief a trumpet to shatter the sky.

I shall not ask for anything more

But to walk according to natural lore,

One foot behind the other before.

I shall wake at morning, sleep at night,

And tell unfailing black from white.

I shall use my brain to earn my bread,

Snarl when hungry, smile when fed.

I shall not die – I shall be dead.



The poem “To Shatter the Sky” is produced by kind permission of Bruce Barrymore Halpenny from his book. To Shatter the Sky – the poem gave the book its title – and was also used verbally in the BBC programme To Shatter the Sky by Bruce Barrymore Halpenny – Licence to Publish ANZIO/POEM-025/4-09.


Copyright © Bruce Barrymore Halpenny


The official Website of the author Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

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