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- #14622 (no title)
- #14883 (no title)
- #15020 (no title)
- #16556 (no title)
- 10 Things I Know About You
- 11 things to remember
- 16 Commandments of Getting Old
- 18 Thoughts
- 1950's Wives
- 1950s Wife
- 2 meaning words
- 2030AD Headlines
- 50 Sheds of Grey – The Men’s Shed Meeting
- A Blonde Went Into a Worldwide Message Centre…
- A Christmas Story
- A Cow’s Tail
- A Customer
- A Dog’s Purpose (from a 6 year old)
- A Dog’s Purpose (from a 6 year old)
- A Donation
- A Few Chuckles
- A Genius says GOODBYE
- A Golf Tale
- A Good Mix
- A Good Police Officer
- A Happy Pilot
- A Life That Matters
- A Man’s Wish
- A Matter of Persective
- A Miracle
- A New Doctor
- A New Sermon
- A Parting Guest
- A Patriot for Life
- A powerful thought
- A Prayer For You
- A Question Answered
- A Real Friend
- A Rose
- A Sheila Goes Missing
- A Soldier Died Today
- A Spy Story
- A true lawyer story
- A twist on Life
- A Useless Solution
- A Variety of Facts
- A Wish
- A Wish or Two
- A Word on Grief
- A Young Nun Named Mary
- Abide With Me
- Abraham Lincoln
- Acknowledgment
- Adam and Eve
- Adlestrop
- Administratum
- Advertisement
- Adverts and Quotes
- Afterglow
- Against Domination
- Age and Treachery
- Age Disorder
- Ageing
- Agricultural Show
- Air Bag
- Airline Toilets
- Alcohol Lecture
- All Things Bright and Beautiful
- Almighty & All
- Almighty and All
- Altar Boy Sins
- Always Ask
- Always Finish
- Amazing Grace
- America the Beautiful
- America’s Smartest President
- American Marine
- An Arm and a Leg
- An Australian Moves to the UK
- An extract from Cymbeline
- An Extract from No Matter What
- An extract from The Lord of the Rings (’Roads Go Ever On’)
- An extract from Charlotte’s Web
- An extract from Fahrenheit 451
- An extract from No Matter What
- An extract from The Little Prince
- An extract from The Tempest
- An extract from The Velveteen Rabbit
- An extract from The Wind in the Willows
- An extract from Winnie The Pooh
- An Irish Fight
- An Italian Boy’s Confession
- An Old Couple on Holiday
- And Educators
- And God Created
- And soon it is Winter
- And That’s How the Fight Started
- And the People Stayed Home
- And Then It Is Winter
- And This is What it Took – Coronavirus
- And When the Saints
- Andy Rooney on Sex
- Animal Lovers
- Anniversary Waltz
- Anything Else Your Wife Doesn’t Use?
- Anyway
- Anyway – Mother Theresa
- Aplomb
- Armada
- Arrow & Song
- Arthritis
- Arundel Tomb
- As Hot as Hell
- As much as you can
- As with gladness
- Ask Love
- Ask not (her)
- Ask not (him)
- Assassin Needed
- Auf Wiedersehen
- Auld Lang Syne
- Australia
- Australian Balance
- Australian Balance 11
- Australian Love Poem
- Aviation Truisms
- Away in a Manger
- Baby’s First Hospital Visit
- Bad Hospital Results
- Balanced Budget
- Bank Manager Letter
- Banking Crisis Explained
- Baptising an Irishman
- Barbie Doll
- Bartender vs Psychiatrist
- Basil’s Grave Story 111
- Battle Hymn
- BBQ Rules
- Be a Keeper
- Be Kind
- Be near
- Be still
- Bear and Atheist
- Beautiful Day
- Beautiful poem about ageing
- Beautifully fragile
- Beauty Tips
- Because You Are
- Bedtime Memory Problem
- Beethoven
- Before It Starts
- Begin Now
- Behind Your Wings
- Being Assertive
- Being Drunk in France
- Being Kicked in the Nuts
- Believe In You
- Beside You
- Best Diet
- Best Friends
- Best Irish Joke
- Best Shave Ever
- Best short story
- Better than The Flu jab
- Bible by Kids
- Bible Lessons
- Bill Gates’ 11 Rules of Life
- Birthdays
- Bitterness Kills
- Black Underwear
- Black Water Woods
- Bless ‘Em All
- Bless ‘Em All
- Blonde Joke and Blind Cowboy
- Blonde Men
- Blonde Mortician
- Blondes on a cliff
- Blood, Toil, Tears
- Bob and the Blonde
- Body Builder
- Body Scanner Statistics
- Book of Wisdom
- Book Titles
- Boss Duped
- Breakfast on a Farm
- Bridal Registry
- Brief Encounter
- British Council Complaints
- British Hospitals – True NHS Stories
- British Newspapers
- Broken Heart
- Brothel sues Church
- Bumper Sticker
- Burnt Biscuits
- Cake or Bed
- Call Centre Conversations
- Candle of Hope
- Candle on the Water (from Pete’s Dragon)
- Capitalism
- Carl
- Carols
- Caught in the Act
- Cecil Rhodes
- Change
- Charles E Taylor
- Charlie Brown
- Chemist Shop Assistant
- Cherokee Wisdom
- Child Days
- Childhood
- Children on Love
- Chinese Excuse
- Chinese Pot
- Choose a Password
- Choose a Smile
- Choose Your Tree
- Christmas 1959
- Christmas and the Reindeer
- Christmas by a Royal Marine Commando
- Christmas Card List
- Christmas Cards
- Christmas Carol
- Christmas Cookies
- Christmas Diet
- Christmas Dinner
- Christmas Joke
- Christmas Pudding
- Christmas Story
- Christmas with Puppies
- Church bulletins
- Church Misquotes
- Churchill and Love
- Cigars on Fire
- Circle of Life
- Classical Ants
- Clementine
- Climb Every Mountain
- Cloths of Heaven
- Cock and Roosters
- Cockles & Mussels
- Cockles & Mussels
- Coincidence
- Colin the former All Black…
- Colonoscopy
- Common Prayer
- Common Sense
- Common Sense Dead
- Compassion
- Complete and Finished
- Computer – Male or Female?
- Computer Genders
- Computer Problem
- Computer Users Over 50
- Computers V Cars
- Concerned Husbands
- Condom on an Aircraft
- Conference Attendee
- Confessional
- Confidence
- Confusing the Police
- Congratulations
- Conservative or Liberal
- Contact Poetic Expressions
- Copy Monks
- Corelli’s Mandolin
- Corelli’s Mandolin
- Cornish Law
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus prayer – Lockdown
- Corporate Lessons
- Corporate Shake Up
- Cost of Sermon
- Cotswold Prayer
- Council Job
- Couple sex?
- Cow, Sheep or Dog
- Cowboy Boots
- Crocodile Shoes
- Crystal Palace 1851
- Cuckoo Clock
- Cultural Differences
- Cunning Cop
- Curtain Rod Mystery
- Cyber Birds and Bees
- Dad’s Employment
- Dad, Daughter and a Dog
- Daddy’s Car in the Woods
- Daisy Daisy
- Dam Beavers
- Danny Boy
- Dead Duck
- Dear Bank Manager
- Dear Lord
- Dear Mum
- Dear Mum and Dad
- Dear Tech Support
- Death is the future for everyone
- Death, Life and Sadness
- Death, Life and Sadness
- Deck of Cards
- Decline and Fall of Roman Empire
- Definitions
- Delia v Real Woman
- Delivered by a Child
- Desiderata
- Die Laughing
- Dieting
- Disorder in Court
- Divorce Letter
- Divorce v Murder
- DIY Terms Explained
- Do Not be Afraid
- Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night By Dylan Thomas
- Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep
- Do You Know Hans?
- Dog Memories
- Dog or Cat?
- Dog Psychology
- Dog’s Prayer
- Dogs and Light Bulbs
- Dogs Better Than Wives
- Dogs Explained
- Dogs Hate Computers
- Dogs in our Lives
- Don’t Ask Me To Remember
- Don’t Cry…
- Don’t Despair
- Don’t Mess with Kids
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
- Donald and Daisy
- Dr Geezer
- Drink and Golf
- Drinking and Driving
- Drinking in Galway
- Drinking Other People’s Beer
- Drive Through Cash
- Duke of Wellington
- Earrings on men
- Easter Hope
- Eco-Oranges
- Edelweiss
- Effective Counselling
- Egg Timer
- Elaborate Funeral
- Elephants Came to Dinner
- Ellen MacArthur
- Email Issues
- Email Prayer
- Employee Performance
- Empty Box
- Empty Chair
- Engineer Turns to Medicine
- Engineer v Manager
- English Plurals Complicated
- Enthusiasm
- Epigrams
- Equipment
- Essex Appeal
- EU Security Levels
- EU Speak
- EU Waste
- European Economics
- Eve-of-battle speech
- Ever Wondered?
- Everyday Tax Lesson
- Everything is not locked down…
- Facebook
- Fairy Tale
- Families
- Family Dog Strangled
- Fancy Dress
- Farewell my Friends
- Farmer and State
- Farmer with Son in Prison
- Farmer’s Sound Advice
- Fat Controller
- Father and Son
- Father O’Malley
- Fathers and Sons
- Feed Each Other
- Feel No Guilt in Laughter
- Feel No Guilt in Laughter (F)
- Feel No Guilt in Laughter (M)
- Female Christmas Wish
- Female Prayer
- Fertile Field
- Fifi and The Marine
- Fifty Pound Note
- Fifty Shades of Grey by Pam Ayres
- Fight
- Finding Home
- Fire Logs
- First Day with the Hook
- First Time Love
- Fishing
- Five Lessons in Life
- Five Surgeons
- Flanders McCrae
- Flatmates?
- Flight Announcements
- Flight Attendant
- Follow me
- Football Lover
- Football Tickets
- For The Fallen
- For Their Life
- For Those Who Live Alone
- Forever Blowing
- Forgetter Getting Better
- Four All
- Four Dogs
- Four Fishermen
- Four Husbands
- Four Weddings
- Frank Thomas
- Freedom Quotations
- French Corner
- Friend or Family
- Friend to Friend
- Friends need
- Friendship
- Friendship Contract
- Friendship Prayer
- From The Inland Revenue
- Frozen Carburettor
- Fun Puns
- Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden
- Funeral Chocolate Cakes
- Funny Lines
- Funny Questions and Answers
- Future Headlines
- GB, France and USA
- Get Even
- Getting Old
- Getting Older
- Getting Older
- Gettysburg Address
- Gift Horse
- Girl from Liverpool
- Give Up Drinking
- Gloves
- Go Granny Go
- God and Ice Cream
- God Exists
- God in The Post Office
- God is Too Busy
- God Lives Under The Bed
- God Loves Drunk People Too
- God Made Laughter
- God Said, “No.”
- God Save The Queen
- God v NHS
- God Will Find You (A Story Worth Sharing)
- God’s Gift
- God’s Gifts
- God’s Will on Ageing
- Golden Wrapping Paper
- Golf
- Golf – Stevie Wonder Challenges Tiger Woods
- Golf and Pregnancy
- Golf Balls
- Golf Buddies
- Golf Cart Accident
- Golf Joke
- Golfer Loses Arm
- Gone From My Sight
- Good Communications
- Good Luck Mr Gorsky
- Good News, Bad News
- Good Philosophy
- Good Timber
- Good Trade – Wine for Wife
- Goodbye Mike
- Goodbye Story
- Goodness is Eventful
- Governmentium
- Grammar Lesson – Uncle Jack
- Grandfather’s Clock
- Grandma in Court
- Grandma Still Drives
- Grandpa V Grandma
- Great British Bake Off
- Great Lines
- Great Men Quotes
- Great Things
- Great Women Quotes
- Greatest Success of All
- Grief
- Growing Older
- Growing Pain
- Guidance
- Gunpowder
- Guts and Balls
- H is for Hawk
- Hairdresser and the Pope
- Handguns and OAPs
- Hangover Ratings
- Hanky Panky
- Happiness
- Happiness
- Happy Hour
- Happy Wanderer
- He who loves a garden
- Hearing Aids
- Heaven’s Grocery Store
- Heaven’s Light
- Helga’s Cruise Diary
- Hey, Wasn’t This Us?
- High Flight
- His Journey
- History By Design
- Hit Man
- Hitchhiker
- HM Economist
- Hmuan Mnid
- Holiday Complaints
- Holy Humour
- Holy Sonnet X by John Donne
- Home Schooling
- Homeless and Trumpeter
- Homemaking Can Wait
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hookers and Babies
- Hope
- Hope in Action
- Hope in Feathers
- Horse Racing
- Horses and Farting
- Hospital Bill
- Hot and Cold Sex
- Hot Chocolate
- Hotel Maintenance
- How Could You?
- How Crocs Get Their Vitamins
- How Do I Love Thee?
- How Do You Feel?
- How is your day?
- How Long Does a Man Live?
- How to Get To Heaven
- Human Resource Manager
- Humour
- Husband Down
- Hymns
- Hypnotist
- I Am Sorry I Left You
- I am the child
- I Believe
- I Can Never See Your Face
- I Can Remember…
- I Hope You Dance
- I let you go
- I Live On
- I Love My Job
- I Love You
- I Watch The Sunrise
- I Wish This Poem
- I Wish You Enough
- I’m a Londoner
- I’m Fine Thank You
- I, Pencil
- If (alternative version)
- If I be the first of us to die
- If I Could Choose
- If I Had My Life Over
- If It Should Be
- If My Body Were A Car
- Images of Mum
- Immeasureable
- Important Health Advice for Women
- In Bed with Another Woman
- In Flanders Fields
- In Praise of Wine
- In Retirement
- Infinite Loop
- Information, please
- Inheritance
- Inking Injury
- Installing Love
- Insults
- Insults of Intelligence
- Insurance Claim
- Intimations of Immortality
- Invite Love
- Irish and Greek
- Irish Golfer
- Irish Hooker
- Irish Insurance
- Irish Joke
- Irish Millionaire
- Irish Prostitute
- Irishman on a Diet
- Is There a Santa Claus?
- Is This Autumn?
- It is an age thing
- It is easier to build strong children
- It’s Not Our Age
- Italian Cow
- Italian Funeral
- Italian Golfer
- Italian Secret for a Long Marriage
- Italian Wedding Test
- Jane Seabrook on Life
- Jerusalem
- Jewish cab ride
- Jingle Bells
- John Brown’s Body
- Johnny’s Hearing
- Js
- June’s Farewell
- Just a Billion
- Just Blondes
- Just Christmas
- Just Engineers
- Just Fishing
- Just French
- Just Golf
- Just Grandparents
- Just Irish
- Just Italian
- Just Jewish
- Just Jokes
- Just Kids
- Just Lawyer
- Just Love
- Just Medical
- Just One Century
- Just Political
- Just Scottish
- Justifiable Homicide
- Keep Right On
- Kids at Christmas
- Kittens with their Eyes Open
- Kiwi Illness
- La Vie Est La Vie
- Lady Laments
- Land of Hope and Glory
- Larry the Fighter Pilot
- Lateral and Logical
- Latest Destroyers
- Laura Lou
- Law vs Psychology
- Lawyer and Brothel
- Lawyers
- Lawyers and Questions
- Layman’s language
- Learn from Dogs
- Learn from Geese
- Learning to Live Together
- Lesson in Irony
- Lessons from a Donkey
- Letter from an Irish mum
- Letter of Hope
- Letter to DEFRA
- Letter to The Home Office
- Letters from an Irish Mum
- Life
- Life
- Life
- Life Explained
- Life is a Cabernet
- Life is All Memory
- Life’s Clinic
- Life’s Demerit System
- Life’s Journey
- Life’s Lessons
- Lilli Marlene
- Lincoln/Kennedy
- Litany of Remembrance
- Little Boy at Home
- Little Folk’s Corner
- Little Old Poem
- Live for Life
- Liverpool Humour
- Liverpool Supporter
- Living Lord
- Living Pearls
- Loneliness
- Lonely Dog
- Looking Backwards
- Lord of All Creatures
- Lord’s Prayer
- Lorraine K.Mitchell
- Lost in Translation
- Love
- Love
- Love and Beauty
- Love is not all
- Love is Spelt TIME
- Love Song
- Love Story
- Love Wants To Do Us a Great Favour
- Making a Baby
- Making Babies
- Male Logic
- Male Self-Examination
- Man and Parrot
- Man and Wife
- Man Stabs Best Mate
- Management Lessons
- Manure and Golf
- Marital Sex
- Marriage
- Marriage
- Marriage – by kids
- Marriage and Death
- Marriage in an Alphabet
- Mars by Night
- Maths at Catholic School
- Mature Lady Driver
- May God Give You
- May The Lord
- May The Road
- May The Road Rise Up To Meet You
- May These Be Your Blessings
- Me
- Medical Homework
- Medical School
- Medical Terms
- Memories in the Heart
- Memory in Old Age
- Men and Earrings
- Men Do Remember!
- Men vs Women
- Mercedes Benz
- Military Truisms
- Milk Bottle Notes
- Mind Games
- Mind Test for Older People
- Mind Your Business
- Minds and Parachutes
- Missing Wife
- Mnemonics
- Mobile Phone Sue
- Mobile Phones in the Cubicles
- Mobile Rules
- Modern Philosophers
- Moments of Joy
- Monkeys and Government
- Months of the Year
- Moral
- Moral – Understand the question before offering an answer!
- Moral Dilemma
- Moral in Every Story
- More Bible Lessons
- More Irish Jokes
- More on Age
- Mosquitoes
- Mother Brown
- Mother’s Love
- Mothers and Corinthians
- Motorbike & Planner
- Mrs Rudolph
- My Bonnie
- My Cathedral
- My Dogs Live Here
- My Heart Soars
- My Husband is a Cheat
- My Kind of People
- My Old Man
- My Sat Nav
- My Soul Has a Hat
- NASA and British Engineers
- Native American Poem
- Ne reste pas là à pleurer devant ma tombe
- Nearly Married Couple
- Never Assume
- Never Dieth That One
- Never Interrupt Your Enemy
- Never Lie to you Rabbi
- Never Too Old
- Never Walk Alone
- New Hat
- New Name for Viagra
- New Ranch Hand
- New Rooster
- New Terms
- New Zealand illness
- Newspaper Comments
- NHS Communications
- NHS Humour
- No bitterness?
- No Charge for Love
- No Climb Monkey
- No Doubt
- No Ears
- No Funeral Gloom
- No Hope
- No Police
- No Sissy Nonsense
- Noah’s Ark
- Noah’s Ark
- Not in Vain
- Not Just a Mum
- Note from a Husband about Wives
- Note on Fridge
- Notice regarding my pets
- Now and Too Late
- Now There Is One Thing I Can Tell You…
- Nun Goes Golfing
- Nun on a Building Site
- Nun’s Prayer
- Nuremburg 1946
- Nursing Home Test
- Observation
- Ode to Impotence
- Ode to the Horse
- Old Age Thoughts
- Old Bull & Bush
- Old Folk
- Old Friend’s Meeting
- Old Hunter
- Old Jokes
- Old Nod
- Old People
- Old People Story
- Older Folk
- Older Women
- Olive Tree Prayer
- On 40 Years of Marriage
- On a Beach in Israel
- On Age
- On My Harley
- On Tax!
- On the beaches
- On The Day I Die
- On-Board Catering
- One
- One Left Behind
- One Liners
- One of the Best
- One of the Wonders
- Onions and Christmas
- Only Girl
- Only We Who Grieve
- Oriental Tech Speak
- Other
- Our Deepest Fear
- Our Last Awakening
- Oyster & Pearl
- Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag
- Paddy and Mick in London
- Parachute Club for Seniors
- Paraprodoskians
- Paraprosdokians
- Parenting Thoughts
- Paris Husband Who Lost His Wife
- Password
- Pastor’s Wife
- Patient Notes
- Patriotism
- Paul on Love
- Pearls and Swine
- Pennies from Heaven
- Personal Greetings
- Pet Loss
- Philosophers
- Pilot Gripe Sheets
- Pioneers Prayer
- Planner and Pond
- Plant a Tree
- Plant a Tree
- Plant Kindness
- Poem for Daddy
- Poem to Pam
- Poems of Encouragement
- poetic-expressions-scripts.js
- Political Quotes
- Political thoughts
- Politically Correct Wish
- Politicians
- Politics
- Pondering
- Ponderisms
- Portsmouth lady
- Positive View
- Post Tortoise
- Poverty at Eton
- Pray with Sarah
- Pray Without Ceasing
- Pray without Ceasing
- Prayer
- Prayer
- Prayer for Friends
- Prayer of Father Bede Jarrett
- Prayer of St Francis of Assisi
- Preparing for Parenthood
- Present in the Present
- Price of a Football Ticket
- Priceless
- Priests on Holiday
- Prince William and Kate’s Wedding Prayer
- Prison
- Prostate Check Up
- Proverbs by Kids
- Psychiatrist vs Bartender
- Puns for Educated Minds
- Puppy Size
- Putin
- Q and A’s taken from exams
- Quick thinking
- Quotes on Kindness
- Realism
- Rectal Thermometer
- Red Indian Weather Forecastors
- Reed and Right
- Reflection
- Reggie – A Black Lab
- Remember Monarchs
- Remembering
- Requiem for a gardener
- Retirement
- Ripples
- Ripples
- Rite of Passage
- Robby The Pianist
- Robot for Sale
- Rocket Scientist
- Roll Out the Barrel
- Romantic
- Romantic Present
- Ron’s Reply
- Rugby Heaven
- Rule Britannia
- Rules by Bill Gates
- Rules of Life
- Rules of the Air
- Run On and On
- Rye Bread
- Sail On
- Saint Peter and Three Visitors to Heaven
- Salesman
- Salesman in Harrods
- Sample Page
- Santa Claus
- Saying Goodbye to Mother
- Schultz Philosophy
- Scottish Tales of Kindness
- Scouser Humour
- Senile Virus
- Senior Adverts from Port Grimaud
- Serial Drinker
- Serious Burns Unit
- Server Error
- Service
- Seven Wonders
- Sex After Death
- Sex and Surgery
- Sex in 1955
- She
- She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes
- Sherlock’s Tent
- Shiny Motorbike
- Shoot or Shout
- Shop at Aldi
- Short History
- Short prayers
- Short Quiz
- Short quotes on friendship
- Short quotes on grief
- Short quotes on happiness
- Short quotes on hope
- Short quotes on humour and quick laughs
- Short quotes on life
- Short quotes on love
- Short quotes on marriage
- Short quotes on patriotism
- Show me the way to go Home
- Side by Side
- Simple Economics 2011
- Sister Logical and Sister Mathematical
- Sitemap
- Slow Day in Texas
- Smart Answers
- Smart Ass
- Smart Farmer
- Smile
- Smile a While
- Snoring Stopped
- Snowman’s Hat
- Socialism Can’t Work
- Some thoughts
- Sometimes in life
- Songs you know
- Souls at Prayer
- Spanish Computers
- Spanish Oysters
- Speech Therapy
- Spelling Chequer
- Spelling Error
- Spend Wisely
- Squirrels
- Squirrels at Church
- St Augustine
- St Theresa’s Prayer
- St Valentine
- State Parents
- Status update
- Stay Close By
- Stay off your bike for a week
- Sternum or Scrotum
- Steve Jobs – Final Essay
- Still Celebrating
- Stop all the clocks
- Store that Sells New Husbands
- Strange Minds
- Streets of Laredo – (Cowboy’s Lament)
- Stress Explained
- Stress Management
- Stress Relief
- Student Lines
- Sunset Prayer
- Surgeon son
- Swimsuits
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot
- Take Courage
- Take My Life
- Take No Chances
- Take The First Step
- Tale of Two Bridges
- Talking Dog
- Talking of Divorce
- Talking Pigs
- Taught to Teach
- Tavern in the Town
- Taxation 1851
- Teacher v Student
- Teachers
- Team Work
- Team Work
- Team Work
- Telephone to Heaven
- Tell a friend
- Terms & Conditions
- Texan Baby
- Texas vs California
- Texting for Seniors
- Thank you for the emails
- The 2012 Navy
- The Affair
- The Ant and the Grasshopper
- The Arrow and the Song
- The Badge
- The Blind Rabbit and the Snake
- The Blonde and the Chimpanzee
- The Blondes and a Brunette
- The Bull and The EU
- The Capitalist
- The Chemist
- The Church Lady
- The Cleavage
- The Clothes Line
- The Concert
- The Creed
- The Cruel Sea
- The Daffodil Principle
- The Dash
- The Dash Between
- The Door and The Master
- The Dragon Fly
- The Facts
- The Fall of Fortresses
- The Family Dog
- The Farmer
- The Few
- The Fight Started
- The Final Inspection
- The First Day of Christmas
- The Genie and the Budget
- The Gift
- The Golden Years
- The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow….
- The Goodnight Kiss
- The Hammer
- The Horse
- The Individual
- The Irishman and the Pact
- The Jewish Elbow, The Italian Grandfather and the The Irish Blonde
- The Life that I have
- The Magic Bank Account
- The Man and the Thief
- The Measure of a Man
- The Measure of a Man
- The Measure of Love
- The Middle Wife
- The Mistress
- The Morality of Dishonesty
- The Most Important Hour…
- The New Alphabet Song (for those entering the AARP years)
- The New Porsche
- The Ocean…by kids
- The Old Motor
- The Old Ranger
- The Ovaltineys
- The Pain we have to Suffer seems so Broad
- The Parachute and the President
- The Parting
- The Pastor’s Donkey
- The Pastor’s Donkey
- The Pen
- The Pencil Maker’s Lesson
- The Perfect Husband
- The Pink Dress
- The Politician
- The Pope as Chauffeur
- The Postman
- The Priest and the Cock
- The Pumpkin and the Police (a rude but funny anecdote)
- The Rose
- The Scotsman and the Dentist
- The Sea
- The Secret of Change
- The Secretary
- The Senility Prayer
- The Snow Plough
- The Spoon
- The Spring
- The Survivors
- The Tax Poem
- The Test of Socrates
- The Tide Recedes, but Leaves Behind Bright Seashells on the Sand
- The Velveteen Rabbit
- The Washing on the Siegfried Line
- The Will
- The Winalot Diet
- The World Needs…
- Theatre Seats
- Their Finest Hour
- There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer
- Thinking Old Lady
- Thirty Smiles
- This Scepter’d Isle
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson (2)
- Thoughts from Peanuts
- Thoughts of Mother Teresa
- Three Men on a Hike
- Three Sons
- Three Surgeons
- Through Which Gate?
- Timbuktu
- Time
- Time to Love
- Tipperary
- To All Bullies
- To All Who Love Animals
- To Everything There is a Season
- To Shatter The sky
- Toasts to You
- Today
- Toffee Apple
- Together At Last
- Tonto McTavish
- Tony Snow’s Testimony
- Took A Cab Home
- Trafalgar re-written
- Tragedy
- Travel Plans
- Travel Thoughts on Life
- Travellers
- Triumph of age
- Tube Announcements
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- Two Good Stories (with a great connection)
- Two Ladies from Oz
- Two Liners
- Two Statues
- Two Widows Talking
- Unanswered Prayer
- Under the Bed
- Understanding Engineers
- Union of Friends
- University Test
- Use of the Car
- Useful Footers
- V E Day crowds
- Value of Drink
- Vegetable Garden
- Very British
- Vicar’s Salary
- Vietnam
- Virgin Trains
- Walk on Water
- Walk With Me
- Walking
- Washing dishes
- WD40
- We’ll Keep a Welcome
- We’ll Meet Again
- Weather Forecasting
- Wedding Cake
- Wedding Ceremony
- Wedding v World Cup Final
- Welcome To Poetic Expressions
- Welsh Cow
- Wet Pants
- What a Granny Is…
- What a Woman Needs
- What about the Turkey
- What Do You See?
- What is Success?
- What’s for dinner Zoro?
- When a Good Person Dies
- When a woman lies
- When Insults Had Class
- When Irish Eyes are Smiling
- When You’re Smiling
- Where God Wants Me
- Who Has Been Sleeping With My Wife?
- Who is the Happy Warrior
- Why I Like Retirement
- Why Men Are Happy People
- Why Men Shouldn’t Write Advice Columns
- Why We Love Dogs
- Why Worry?
- Widower’s Marriage Request
- Wife 1.0 Alert
- Wife Leaves Home
- Wife’s Financial Investments
- Will and Testament
- Will You Marry Me?
- Windows and Computers
- Windows vs Ford
- Wine Tasters Dilemma
- Winston Churchill
- Winston Churchill Quotes
- With love and thanks
- Woman
- Women by Definition
- Wonderful English from around The World
- Word Awards
- Words Wide Night
- Work to Rule
- Worries
- Would You Marry Again?
- Yes we can!
- Yes, Virginia
- Yipppeeee
- Yodelling
- Yorkshire Speak
- You and God
- You are my Sunshine
- You are not a monk
- You could be there
- You Finish?
- You made me love you
- Young Girl on Building Site
- Young Girl on Building Site
- Your Ears
- Your Mother is a Good Sport
- Your Victory
- Your Worst, Our Best
- Yours ’till the stars lose their glory
- Zen Teachings
- Zen Teachings (?)
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